New Zealand – Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan Free Trade Agreement

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Treaty Type:


Common Name:


Responsible Department:

Foreign Affairs and Trade

Administering Department:

Treaty Summary:

In November 2010, New Zealand, Russia, and its Customs Union partners Belarus and Kazakhstan agreed to commence negotiations on a comprehensive and modern Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Negotiations cover a wide range of trade-related issues, similar to other FTAs that New Zealand has negotiated. At this stage, it is expected that these will include trade in goods, services and investment as well as rules supporting that trade (e.g. Rules of Origin, Customs Procedures), in addition to addressing non-tariff measures (such as Intellectual Property, Government Procurement, Sanitary and Phytosanitary issues, Technical Barriers to Trade, Trade and Labour, and Trade and the Environment).

NZ Adherence Status:

In Progress

Negotiation Status:

Negotiations are currently suspended.



Is Signed By NZ:


Signature Date:

Ratified or Signed:


Requires Ratification:


NZ Territorial Applications:


Information about required Legislation:

Impacts on Maori:

As with other New Zealand Free Trade Agreements, New Zealand will seek a specific provision, the Treaty of Waitangi exception clause, which would protect the Government's ability to adopt policies that fulfil its obligations to Maori, including under the Treaty of Waitangi.

Impacts on Stakeholders:

Public submissions were invited in December 2010. Regular updates on negotiations have been posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s website as well as an invitation for stakeholders to contact negotiators with any trade concerns they would like addressed in the FTA. Negotiators welcome input from all interested groups.

Link To Legislation:

Treaty Text Link:

Contact Information:

If you would like more information about this Treaty please contact us using our contact form.