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International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments
Treaty Code:
Treaty Type:
Common Name:
International Ballast Water Convention
Responsible Department:
Primary Industries
Administering Department:
Primary Industries
Treaty Status:
In Force
Treaty Summary:
The primary objective of the convention is “to prevent, minimize and ultimately eliminate the risks to the environment, human health, property and resources arising from the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens through the control and management of ships’ ballast water and sediments.” The introduction of foreign marine organisms can have potentially devastating impacts on a range of economic, social, cultural, and environmental values that we associate with our marine environment. Ballast water discharges are one of the main pathways by which foreign marine organisms could be introduced to New Zealand waters. The convention will provide a binding set of international regulations to control discharges of ballast water by shipping. Existing controls in New Zealand provide some protection against introductions of marine organisms in ballast water discharges, but they have limitations. These limitations would be addressed by the convention.
NZ Adherence Status:
In Force
Adherence Type:
Acceded to
Signature Date:
Adherence Date:
Date Concluded:
Place Concluded:
London, United Kingdom
Entry Into Force Date:
NZ Entry Into Force Date:
Termination Date:
Withdrawal Date:
Withdrawal Notification Date:
NZ Objections:
NZ Reservations:
NZ Declarations:
NZ Territorial Applications:
NZTS Number:
UNTS Number:
Associated Treaties:
Other References:
Contact Information:
If you would like more information about this Treaty please contact us using our contact form.