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Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Tunisia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947. Multilateral 12/11/1959 In Force Many
Declaration Prohibiting the Use of Asphyxiating Gases. Multilateral 29/04/1899 In Force Many
Declaration Prohibiting the Use of Expanding Bullets. Multilateral 29/07/1899 In Force Many
Declaration recognising the Right to a Flag of States having No Seacoast. Multilateral 20/04/1921 In Force Many
Declaration regarding Payments due by Germany Multilateral 16/06/1932 Signed Many
Declaration renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles under 400 Grammes Weight Multilateral 11/12/1868 In Force Many
Declaration respecting Maritime Law. Multilateral 16/04/1856 In Force Many
Declaration supplementing the Convention of Commerce and Navigation of 16 August 1838 between the United Kingdom and Turkey Bilateral/Plurilateral 16/11/1838 Not Party Turkey, United Kingdom
Declarations between the United Kingdom and Tonga respecting the Delay in the Exchange of Ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship of 29 November 1879 Bilateral/Plurilateral 10/11/1880 Not Party Tonga, United Kingdom
Declarations Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Bavaria relative to the Duties Payable on the Withdrawal of the Property of Subjects of the One Country from the Territories of the Other Bilateral/Plurilateral 04/11/1862 Not Party Germany, United Kingdom