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Treaty between Great Britain and Germany applying to Certain British Dependent Territories the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty of 14 May 1872 Bilateral/Plurilateral 17/08/1911 Expired Germany
Treaty between Great Britain and Germany applying to Certain British Dependent Territories the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty of 5 May 1894. Bilateral/Plurilateral 30/01/1911 Expired Germany, United Kingdom
Treaty between Great Britain and Germany Extending to Certain German Dependencies the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty of 14 May 1872. Bilateral/Plurilateral 05/05/1894 Expired Germany
Treaty between Great Britain and Germany for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals (Extradition) Bilateral/Plurilateral 14/05/1872 Expired Germany
Treaty between Great Britain and Luxembourg for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals Bilateral/Plurilateral 24/11/1880 In Force Luxembourg, United Kingdom
Treaty between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals (Extradition) Bilateral/Plurilateral 26/06/1873 Terminated Norway, Sweden
Treaty between New Zealand and the People's Republic of China on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Bilateral/Plurilateral 06/04/2006 In Force China
Treaty between New Zealand and the United States of America amending in their Application to New Zealand Certain Provisions of the Treaty of 15 September 1914 between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Advancement of Peace. Bilateral/Plurilateral 06/09/1940 In Force United Kingdom, United States of America
Treaty between New Zealand and the United States of America on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Tokelau and the United States of America. Bilateral/Plurilateral 02/12/1980 In Force United States of America
Treaty between Principal Allied Powers and Romania respecting Bessarabia. Multilateral 28/10/1920 In Force Many